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Friday, 3 February 2012

Girls' Generation's Jessica praised for her acting in "Wild Romance"

Girls' Generation's Jessica is in the limelight once again as her acting skills in the drama production "Wild Romance" earned favorable responses from its viewers. On the past few episodes, Jessica's acting was a hot topic amongst its viewers after she displayed her romantic side while filming intimate scenes with her co-actor Lee Dongwook.

However, on the show's latest episode, Jessica was able to display a different side of herskills as she portrayed the darker side of her character. Jessica plays the role of Kang Jonghee, an ex-girlfriend of Lee Dongwook's character Park Mooyul. Having been diagnosed with bipolar disorder in the previous episodes, causing her to leave Dongwook's character in the past, Jessica's character was able to witness a terrible event causing her to have a fit. The scene changed from Jessica having a seizure, shivering until her character wasn't able to breathe.

Viewers who have watched the episode immediately left comments such as, “Jessica’s acting proves she worked hard,” and “I felt bad for Jonghee who is suffering from bipolar disorder.”

Any thoughts on Jessica's acting?

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Source: Sports Chosun and Soshified


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