Debuting as Rainbow's first sub-group, Rainbow Pixie released their debut track, "Hoi Hoi," on January 11th. The members, Hyunyoung, Jisook, and Seungah, performed "Hoi Hoi" on the music shows for over a month. However, due to Rainbow's comeback that is scheduled for March, it was announced that Rainbow Pixie would be ending their promotions of "Hoi Hoi."
Rainbow Pixie performed their goodbye stage of "Hoi Hoi" on last night's episode of Music Core. Tonight, Rainbow Pixie performed their last goodbye stage of "Hoi Hoi" on Inkigayo.
Check out Rainbow Pixie's goodbye stage of "Hoi Hoi" from tonight's episode of Inkigayo, below!
"Hoi Hoi"
Are you excited for Rainbow's comeback in March?
Source: shu35151226
Rainbow Pixie performed their goodbye stage of "Hoi Hoi" on last night's episode of Music Core. Tonight, Rainbow Pixie performed their last goodbye stage of "Hoi Hoi" on Inkigayo.
Check out Rainbow Pixie's goodbye stage of "Hoi Hoi" from tonight's episode of Inkigayo, below!
"Hoi Hoi"
Are you excited for Rainbow's comeback in March?
Source: shu35151226