Girl group Rainbow has officially released their debut Japanese album, titled "Over The Rainbow." Since the start of their Japanese promotions late last year, Rainbow has released three singles -- "A," "Mach," and most recently, "Gonna Gonna GO!" The girls have been actively promoting on various music shows and special live concerts in order to break into the Japanese market.
"Over The Rainbow" includes the group's three Japanese singles as well as other newly recorded songs, bringing the album's total number of tracks to ten. In addition to the regular CD release, a premium edition of the album includes a separate DVD with recordings of their music show performances as well as videos and backstage clips of the girls' Premium Live event, which they hosted at Shibuya Public Hall.
Check out Rainbow's first Japanese album below and be sure to support them by purchasing their album!
"Gonna Gonna GO!"
"Kiss! Kiss! Disco!"
"Touch Me, Feel Me, Love Me"
"Not Your Girl"
"Gossip Girl"
Source: YesAsia, turtle70809, wahwah0000, MSBrandonYau, VisualGlow07, hominfan, and proudtobetriples